Live a Purpose Driven Life
From the ivory tower to the prison cell: After a long career in academia, this educator finds a new purpose in life... And a very different group of students... I don’t play golf. I’m monumentally lousy at it. And thus my post workaday life never finds me strolling a...
32 Quotes About Change to Transform and Inspire Your Best Self
We'd all like to be the kind of person who rolls with the punches, but sometimes life throws us for a loop. These inspirational quotes about change can help. Are you trying to create positive change in your life but feel you keep coming up short? Or perhaps you're...
Get Fit with the Only Full Body Workout You’ll Ever Need (Videos)
Fitness is important at every age, and a full body workout can help. As we progress through life, improving our physical condition can prevent injury and keep us healthy and sharp. What does a full body workout look like? That depends on you. But all fitness programs...
Things That Get Even Better As You’re Aging
As we get older, we're told things go downhill from here. But what about things that get better with aging? You'll be amazed. The saying goes, "youth is wasted on the young." If we knew now, right? It is easy to get bogged down in the negative things about aging:...
Why Loneliness Is a Trap and How to Break Free
Feeling alone is one of the most miserable emotions to endure. But, you don’t have to be trapped in it, there are ways to avoid the pits.
The Best Tiny Houses of 2018
Tiny houses are all about minimalist living and treading lightly on Mother Earth. But now it's become a full-blown movement. Most people consider a house "tiny" if it's less than 500...
The 37 Best Quotes About Love for More Fulfilling Relationships
From loving yourself, to your pets, romantic relationships, and even your community, here are the 27 best quotes about love we could find. Love is not one-size-fits-all, but there are some things about it that seem almost universally relatable. The best quotes about...
10 Free or Low-Cost Ways to Give Back to Your Community
It doesn’t take a ton of time or money to give back to your community, or money. Here are some great ways to experience the joy of volunteerism.
How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness with a Gratitude Journal
Have you ever found yourself trying to remember what you are grateful for in your life? To remember what gives your life purpose? We tend to remember “bad” memories more than we do good ones. By keeping a gratitude journal, you could start your day feeling positive...
Active Listening: The Best Gift To Yourself And Loved Ones
Active listening means a lot more than simply "listening." And, it really is a great gift to everyone in your life. Are you already an active listener? What is active listening? Have you ever participated in a conversation where you and the other person are talking...
60 Inspirational Quotes for a Fuller, More Beautiful Life
Changing your perceptions of money and self, aging and living can make a huge difference. We’ve gathered the best inspirational quotes to help you.
The 30 Most Transformative Quotes About Money
Learning how to put money into its proper place in your life can help you find the peace and happiness that you have searched for your whole life.
How To Find Health, Love, And Adventure in Just 10,000 Steps A Day
Scientists have known for decades that taking 10,000 steps a day can improve your health in a multitude of ways. However, this simple strategy can also improve other aspects of your life by helping you find love and adventure. All you have to do is put one foot in...
Seven Excellent Ways to Boost Your Brain Power
These seven easy steps can help you boost your brain power...and have fun in the process. We've done the legwork, all you have to do is read and apply! Just like the rest of our body, our brain changes as we age. Fortunately, there are ways to boost brain power easily...
These 7 Insanely Rich People Just Give Money Away
To give money away has scientifically documented benefits. Generous people show improved health and wellness. These super-rich seem to know that.
10 Simple Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle That You Can Try Right Now
Life keeps getting in the way of your plans to start a more healthy lifestyle. You can change that, right here and right now. It is easy to get caught up in your hectic daily life and forget about taking care of yourself. Because of that, the healthy lifestyle you...
How Volunteering Saves Your Life
The Powerful Social, Emotional and Health Benefits of Volunteering Have you heard the phrase, “Sharing is caring?” As it turns out, sharing your time, energy, expertise and wisdom with others through volunteering, is just as good for you as it is for the recipients....
Heart Health: Fun Facts, Tips, and More for Your Ticker
Your heart works hard, day in and day out. It never stops. To make sure it keeps running and to increase your longevity, you have to take care of it. All it takes are a few small changes to your lifestyle. These simple adjustments will make a big impact in your heart...
Community Service Is Not a Sentence… It’s a Joy!
A Heart-Centered Approach To Being Human Community service… what do you think about, when you hear that term? Yes, it’s a non-paying job performed for the benefit of others within the community. But many people think of it as a mandatory sentence, a sort of payback,...
Worthy Volunteer Opportunities for Involved Retirees
A purpose in life is a great thing. When your working life is over and your kids have grown up and gone, that purpose can become volunteering for a worthy cause. It gives you drive, passion, and a meaningful way to spend your time. It can make you feel good about...
Why Is Exercising Important?
By Glenn Baja Exercising…we all know we ought to engage and incorporate it into our lives. But do we really understand why it’s important? In simplest terms, exercise equals good health. Exercising equates to a healthier mind, body, and spirit. By incorporating a...
Thriving After 50: Lessons Of The Blackbelt
Earning Your Black Belt After 50 Can Be The Most Rewarding Experience My legs still tingle and feel tense from the exertion. My lower back, once in the running for L4,L5, S1 surgery, knows it had a workout. My body is totally spent, despite getting a good nights...
Empty Nest Syndrome: 11 Ways to Cope With Absence
Empty Nest Syndrome Is Real And Can Be Dangerous Empty nest syndrome…you’ve heard of it in the past, yet never really understood what it was. Not until today. College classes begin on Monday and it’s time to move your last child into the dorm. She’s excited, yet...
Interview With Harvard Professor of Medicine Dr. Walter Willett Talks About What We Should Eat
Today I have the pleasure of speaking to Dr. Walter Willett. Dr. Willett is the Chairmen of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health and a Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School. A world renowned researcher Dr. Willett has won...
Interview With Kevin Schultz | Starting Martial Arts Over 50
Beginning Martial Arts After 50 Years Old Glenn Baja here with Thrive After Fifty. I am sitting here with Kevin Schultz. Kevin is a fifth degree black belt and has his own company here. Tell us, Kevin, how did you get here? Kevin: Glad to be here. I started doing...
Interview With Dr. Vincent Mack | Dental Challenges In Adults Over 50
Glen: Hello, I am here with Dr. Vincent Mack. Dr. Mack you have been a dentist for how long now? Dr. Mack: I have been in practice now for 27 years since 1987. Glenn: I have a lot of questions and I focus on people after the age of fifty. Dr. Mack: I happen to be...
Thriving After Fifty: A Climb Up The Mountain
Thriving After Fifty can be likened to a climb up a mountain. There are times with the climb is easy and fulfilling, the weather cooperates, and you're feeling strong and powerful. There are also those times when you need to take an extra days rest, regroup, and even...
From Battling Demons To Helping Others: Inside The Suicidal Mind
A note from Glenn: From battling demons to helping others. What's it like inside the suicidal mind? This is my friends story. He is a remarkable man who is extremely intelligent, witty, attractive, and possesses a great sense of humor. But, despite these incredible...
Getting Your Act Together: 7 Ways To Thrive
By Glenn Baja Are you getting your act together? Do you find yourself struggling? Would you be interested in hearing seven ways to thrive? Struggling sucks. Sometimes I struggle with writing. At times I’d rather be cleaning grubby pubic-infested restrooms at a crowded...
Commitment II
By Glenn Baja Commitment. It’s a word I’ve pondered over a lot since my divorce. For 34 years I was married and in a committed relationship. Or was I? In hindsight, I didn’t model a good example of what that word truly represents. But we survived those days, leading...
By Glenn Baja Commitment. It’s a word I’ve pondered over a lot since my divorce. For 34 years I was married and in a committed relationship. Or was I? But that's my story. A story to be shared at a later date. The story today is about you... Perhaps you’re beamingly...
Crossroads: The Next Step
The crossroad is directly in front, staring me in the face. It’s time to decide. Time to take the next step. Do I turn left or go right? Wandering further up the same road I’m on is not an option. It hasn’t taken me to where I wish to go. A new road is the only...
Granada: City Of Dreams
By Glenn Baja The school bus (a.k.a. chicken bus) stopped and the doors opened. All I could see from street-side was a curtain of people spilling and overflowing out the aisle way. Not only did we have ourselves and the daypacks on our backs but also an overnight...
You’re A Selfish, Self-Centered, Arrogant, Son-Of-A-Bitch
By Glenn Baja "You're a selfish, self-centered, arrogant, son-of-a-bitch." These are words I'd heard from my ex-wife randomly throughout our 34 year marriage, particularly when she was ticked off at me. Nine times out of ten I'd blow it off as being more her problem...
Victim Of Crime: Costa Rican Style
By Glenn Baja I pushed the shopping cart perpendicular to the aisles, looking for Lezlie. There was only 6 to traverse, not a particularly large grocery store to begin with. I didn't see her. I must of missed her as she passed over to another aisle. I turned and...
Flowin’ & Coastin’ N Costa Rica
By Glenn Baja Tanagers, Motmots, Hummingbirds, Trogons, Honeycreepers, Montezuma Oropendula’s, Kiskadee Flycatcher’s, Toucan’s … the list goes on and on. Many are bird species that you don’t hear of or see in the USA. Over 890 species have been documented in Costa...
Christmas At Amazon: A Life-Sucking Experience
By Glenn Baja It’s over. Finished. Complete. So what’s it like to work at Amazon during the Christmas season, their busiest time of the year? To put it plain and simple, you work your ass off. The life-sucking work is hard and the hours are long. It’s boring,...
Amazon: The Experience Begins
By Glenn Baja Up goes the rear slider. Boxes begin rolling, tumbling, and avalanching their way down to the ground. Inside, it’s nothing but boxes, as far back as the eye can see. The Amazon unloading crew, known as the sort team, begins picking up boxes and setting...
More Love
By Glenn Baja More Love. This was our song. “Let it be soon, don't hesitate Make it now, don't wait Open your heart and let my love come in I want the moment to start when I can fill your heart with… It was summer of the year 1967. I was to turn 15 that September....
The Power Of Questions
By Glenn Baja The power of questions. Whether conscious of this behavior or not, we all are constantly asking ourselves questions. What should I do now? Why can’t I learn to be like that? How many more days do I need to continue this? When will I finally find what...
Road Warrior Craziness
By Glenn Baja It’s time. Once again, it's road warrior craziness time. Seven days from now I’ll be loading up a 22 foot Rialta mobile-home camper and setting out for seven months on the road. Just my gal and I. Three months of working and four months of exploring. All...
Love After 50: Are You Still Healthily In Love?
Are you still healthily in love? Are you enjoying your love relationship after 50 as much as you did in your earlier days? Not certain? You're not the only one. Consider the following: “Americans over 50 are twice as likely to get divorced as people of that age were...
Low Self-Worth: The Internal Battle (Part 2)
(Editors Note: This is part two on low self-worth and how this dis-ease inflicts billions of people on earth. This part discusses steps and measures we can take to battle the internal voices that live inside our head, convincing us that we are not enough. Part 1 can...
Low Self-Worth: The Internal Battle (Part 1)
By Glenn Baja (Editors Note: This is part 1 of a 2 part series on low self-worth and how this dis-ease inflicts billions of people worldwide. This part discusses the pain experienced by having low self worth and the many indicators and forms that low self worth may...
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
I bend ever so slightly over the edge of the silenced sailboat and stare at the water below. I see my rippled reflection bounced back, moving and disconnected. With grace and compassion, I lower my hand, cupped full, slowly releasing its contents into the clear waters...
Life’s Magic Moments: 5 Lessons To Live By
By Glenn Baja Reach, slice, pull, push. Reach, slice, pull, push… Steadily I glide, each stroke propelling me strongly forwards. The bottom below resembles a 1970’s shag carpet on steroids, with hundreds–no, make that thousands–of beefy, snub-nosed plants with...
“Last Row” Cruising: Twelve Kick-Butt Reasons To Go On Your First Cruise
Last minute. Gotta make a decision. Boat leaves in 3 days. The gal on the phone says it may be an “obstructed view” room. I envision looking at a life boat hanging outside the window, seeing nothing of the sky or sea, blocking out 80% of all light coming into the...
Embracing Patience: 7 Resolutions That Will Change Your Life
By Glenn Baja Solitude. How I love the peace and quiet, particularly on this warm Florida night. The egg-shaped moon is nearly full. Probably 3-4 days away. The sky is clear, with only the mightiest stars visible on the moonlit tapestry above. Sitting in my shorts,...
5 Life Lessons Of The Train: Tips To Thrive After Fifty
As I travel, continuing my dream to thrive after fifty, I stay attentive to various opportunities that may present special meaning in life. I recently came across one such instance involving trains, and realized there are 5 life lessons of the train that can benefit...
Rewirement vs. Retirement
Rewirement is more than just a catchy word. It is an idea whose time MUST arrive. Consider rewirement a developmental stage in life, much like early childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood. Let's rid ourselves of the term retirement altogether! The synonyms of...
Burning Man: A Virgin No More/Part 2
This is the second installment of a two-part article on my experience at the Burning Man Festival. You can click here for part one. It wasn't until my first night out on the playa, the open commons area where art and structures are built and displayed, that I was...
Burning Man: A Virgin No More
By Glenn Baja “Welcome to Burning Man. How many have you attended in the past?” the greeter asks as I reach the entrance to the event. “This is my first” I reply. “Are you by yourself?” “Yes.” “You're one courageous soul” she replies, and at the same time asks me to...
Loss of Self: When Divorce Is the Best Option
Is Divorce The Best Option To Recover Your Sense Of Self Single at sixty. A place I didn't expect to be. I was married for thirty-four years. I fathered four children. They are long gone from the coop and out on their own. As a young man I questioned why...
Friends: The Sculptors of Souls
I've recently come to understand the richness encased in the seemingly small and insignificant moments that too often go unnoticed. Reading a good book, meeting a new friend, working in the garden, or listening to the breeze rustling the leaves of surrounding trees...
That Calling: That Yearning Within After Retirement
What is it that calls out to you... that pulls at you, that lies within that yearns to get out? It's time to retire. Life has flown by. You've put in your 30-40 years at the company, raised a family, educated them, and now they are off living their own independent...
17 Free Ways To More Energy In Minutes!
Everyone Needs More Energy In Their Day Making the most of your life requires energy. Are you feeling lethargic or sluggish? Do you rely on coffee and sugar to make it through the day? I’d like to share some energy-boosting tips that will help you get out of your...
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9 Rules For A Simpler Day
By Leo Babuata Our days fill up so fast, and are so rushed and filled with distractions, that they seem to be bursting. It’s a huge source of stress for most people, and stress is perhaps the most important factor determining whether we’re healthy or sick. So how can...