Memoir Writing: Tasting Life Twice

Memoir Writing: Tasting Life Twice

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” — Anais Nin You’ve spent five or six-plus decades on the planet, and you’ve got the crow’s feet, scars, and stories to prove it. And — grace willing — you’ve got gas in the tank for...
Smart Technology That Works For Seniors!

Smart Technology That Works For Seniors!

Have you met Alexa? Had any conversations with Siri lately? If the answer is yes, you’ve used smart technology or home automation. It may seem futuristic if you haven’t used these devices before, but you’ll quickly find that you’re not sure how you got along without...
Sexy, Single and Over 50: Finding Self Love

Sexy, Single and Over 50: Finding Self Love

by Laura Pegado You’re a single female, over 50, and still have the urge for romance and passion. Your hormones often remind you of how human and desirous you still want to be. You feel sexy, yet the cards just haven’t dealt you a man of your dreams. Self-doubt...
Feelings Vs. Emotions: Why Should I Give A Damn?

Feelings Vs. Emotions: Why Should I Give A Damn?

Emotions vs. feelings. Feelings vs. emotions. Most of us think of feelings and emotions and moods as the same thing and use the words interchangeably. You’re probably thinking no big deal and why should I give a damn, right? Well, it can be a very big deal, especially...

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