Feelings Vs. Emotions: Why Should I Give A Damn?

Feelings Vs. Emotions: Why Should I Give A Damn?

Emotions vs. feelings. Feelings vs. emotions. Most of us think of feelings and emotions and moods as the same thing and use the words interchangeably. You’re probably thinking no big deal and why should I give a damn, right? Well, it can be a very big deal, especially...
Am I Beginning To Lose My Memory?

Am I Beginning To Lose My Memory?

The dreaded “senior moment”: that instance that you can’t find the right word, your car keys or recall the name of an old friend. No matter that we all, no matter our age, have those moments. When it happens to you, it gets real. You worry, “Am I beginning to lose my...
It’s My Time: 6 Keys to Spending It Wisely

It’s My Time: 6 Keys to Spending It Wisely

How many times have you said to yourself, thought, or heard someone say, “It’s my time!” What is it about mid-life that makes us begin to think this way? Is it because of life’s time-clock slowly ticking away? Thoughts or our life passing us by too quickly? Are some...
Internet Porn: A Growing Modern Day Issue

Internet Porn: A Growing Modern Day Issue

We’re going to talk about the P-word. No not that one…well, not exactly. The word is – pornography. More specifically, we’re going to talk about internet porn. You may be surprised to know that it’s becoming a growing modern day issue with folks over 50 because more...

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