“Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.”

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So What is Thrive After Fifty About?

It’s about growth.

Growth and change.

It’s about reaching for the stars. Dreaming of what could be, and risking to make it come true.

It’s about thinking in new healthy ways. Having new perspectives, a brighter disposition, and a heartfelt sense of gratitude.

It’s about looking at your own life with new eyes, understanding your role as its creator, and accepting responsibility for everything that’s appeared in your life.

It’s about having an innate knowing-ness, a deep-seated belief, that there’s greater forces working within our lives, guiding us through these tumultuous times. We only need to follow our intuition and heart to show us the way.

It’s about deciding to live large. Not necessarily in terms of money, but in ways that makes you grow and become a better person.

It’s about defining your values, finding what it is that ignites and lights you up, and making the decision to make it happen.

It’s about having hope, creating hope, and living in hope for the future.

It’s about believing in yourself, self-acceptance, self care, and loving yourself for who you are.

You are not flawed. You are not broken. You are not incomplete.

It’s about knowing you are strong, stronger than you ever thought. And knowing you are perfect just the way you are.

It’s about knowing and believing that it’s not too late to live your dream, regardless of age, and live one that’s fulfilling and rewarding.

It’s about blessing the world with your greatest gift.


It might be the way you smile. It might be the way you make people feel. It may be the joy you bring others with the stories you tell.

It might be finally giving yourself permission to pursue a passion or hobby.

Or creating a new one.

Then again, it may be using your knowledge, skills, passion, and resources to create change in our school systems, fight for universal GMO labeling, or campaign that politicians need to live by the same rules and laws they create for others.

It’s about taking action, stepping off the cliff into the unknown, and knowing you’ll either land on solid ground, or learn to fly.

It’s about stepping forward every day, regardless of it’s size, towards creating the change you wish to see.

It’s about making a difference.

Life’s just too damn short to play it safe.

Life is sacred. Life is an opportunity. Don’t let it just slide by.

The clock is ticking.

We are all here for a reason. We each have our own unique purpose and mission.  

Set out to find what it is. Get in touch with it. Live it. Breathe it. Let it flow.

It’s time to fulfill our reason for being here.

It’s time for it to all come together and finally make sense.

It’s time to thrive!

Get Started Living Your Dream!

Step 1: Thriving After 50 – The 6 Essential Elements of Thriving After 50.

Step 2: Thriving After 50 – Real stories. Real people. How they are thriving.

Step 3: Thriving After 50 – Follow Glenn’s Story.

To your success.




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