One Pen-Stroke Away from Divorce

One Pen-Stroke Away from Divorce

From the editor: What does it feel like to be in the midst of going through a divorce at 65 years of age, after 40 plus years of marriage? What fears and anxieties creep into your life when the prospect of “starting over” arises? What goes into one’s head when you...
Online Dating After 50

Online Dating After 50

By Glenn Baja Feeling lonely, isolated, and forlorn in the middle of a cold January night, I was on the computer when an ad popped up on my screen advertising a dating site. I’d seen them time and time again, always ignoring and viewing them as obnoxious intrusions...
Dating After 50: Is It Worth It?

Dating After 50: Is It Worth It?

 By Glenn Baja Dating after 50 can be a very daunting task to address and adapt to. Just the idea of starting over can be very overwhelming and intimidating. Is it worth the amount of time and effort to do this…yet again? Just the challenge and perseverance required...
10 Rules For Dating After 50

10 Rules For Dating After 50

By Glenn Baja Been out of the “loop” for awhile when it comes to dating? Feeling a bit nervous about the prospect of starting over again? Well, the good news is that the dating game hasn’t changed all that much fundamentally, but as with all things, the details have....

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